If your child is under five years old, then you may find yourself wondering if you can take them on your next biking adventure. Below you'll find the answer to the question of whether you can attach...
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Family bike rides are a great way to get everyone out of the house, get some exercise and above all, spend time with one another away from the distractions of the modern world. However, some of us...
Can Child Bike Seats Attach to Any Bike? (A Definitive Guide)
It's the perfect day for a bike ride, but you don’t have a bike seat for your toddler to tag along with you. You have been wondering about getting one so he/she can ride with you, but can child...
Child bike seats can be attached to most bikes and allow some room to carry your belongings with you in a pannier. There are multiple ways these additions can be set up to provide you with a safe and...
If you have a mountain bike and your child is ready to start biking with you, finding the proper seat attachment for their height can be difficult. There are many types of seats for children but be...
Child bike seats come with different setups and attach to your bike in several different ways, including racks and frame-mounted seats. The safest of all the child's bike seats on the market will...