Bike trailers come with a lot of questions and figuring out—I’ve been there!
Below you will find the bike trailer user manuals for some of the most popular bike trailer brands.
Bike trailers can sometimes be tedious to understand how they work, depending on your bike trailer brand and the type of bike that you’re riding.
Luckily, bike trailer manufacturers do a pretty good job at providing helpful instructions and keeping up with the ever-changing bike industry.
However, the reality is that there are so many types of bikes and ways that bike trailers attach that it is extremely difficult for bike trailer companies to keep up with all the changes. It’s not a simple matter of making some universal bike trailer attachment that would solve all of our problems (I think I’m gonna patent that idea).
Therefore, if your bike trailer does not fit your particular bike, then my best recommendation is to check out the complete attachment guide.
If you need help figuring out if your bike is compatible with these trailers, check out my full guide here.
Download your bike trailer user manual PDF
After scouring the Internet, here’s an updated list of instruction manuals for the most popular bike trailers.
Schwinn and Instep user manuals are notably difficult to find online.
If your bike trailer user manual is not listed here, then please call or email the company to get it from them.
Schwinn Instruction Manuals
Schwinn is one of the most popular bike brands on the market. Their bikes and bike trailers are easily spotted in Walmarts and Targets across the United States.
I have personally been a fan of Schwinn bike trailer for over 6 years because of their affordability and mid-range quality, as well as general compatibility with most types of bikes. Schwinn has even made several improvements to their coupler attachment system, which means they are keeping up with the rapidly-changing bike industry.
My recommended trailer of choice for most people is the Swhinn Joyrider, which is an affordable double-seater that converts beautifully to a stroller. Check out my full review with photos here.
Customer Service: 1 (800) 626-2811
Email: contact form
Joyrider | Download Manual
Trailblazer | Download Manual
Caribou | Download Manual
Spirit | Download Manual
Mark II | Download Manual
Rascal (dog trailer) | Download Manual
Instep Instruction Manuals
Instep bike trailers offer affordability and accessibility. They are hugely popular on Amazon and are often seen around town.
Unfortunately, Instep has not done a great job with brand recognition of their bike trailers. It’s confusing to identify what each trailer is called and where to get the user manual. I actually had a hard time finding the instruction manuals for many of the Instep trailers.
I generally do not recommend Instep trailers, because Schwinn trailers cost just a little more and offer much better quality. Instep and Schwinn are the same company, which also doesn’t help with their branding.
Customer Service: 1-800-242-6110
Email: contact form
Two Seat Trailer (for most trailers) | Download Manual
Quick N EZ | Download Manual
Presto | Download Manual
Rocket | Download Manual
Ride N Stride | Download Manual
Burley Instruction Manuals
Being a company that primarily focuses on riding with kids, Burley has done an excellent job at branding their trailers and making their user manuals easily accessible.
Burley bike trailers are an excellent choice for buyers who want a quality trailer without breaking the bank. Even some of the cheapest Burley trailers offer excellent quality and function for the money.
My personal favorite is the Burley Bee, which is a single or double bike trailer for just around $300. Check out my full review of the Burley Bee here.
Customer Service: 1 (800) 311-5294
Email: contact form
Kid Trailers
Bee | Download Manual
Honey Bee | Download Manual
D’Lite X | Download Manual
Encore X | Download Manual
Cub X | Download Manual
Cargo Trailers
Travoy | Download Manual
Flatbed | Download Manual
Nomad | Download Manual
Coho XT | Download Manual
Dog Trailers
Tail Wagon | Download Manual
Thule Instruction Manuals
Thule is a high-end brand that makes exceptional bike trailers. You can expect the best from their trailers, but usually come at a higher ticket price.
They do a great job at making their user manuals easily accessible for customers.
Customer Service: 1 (800) 238-2388
Email: contact form
Cadence | Download Manual
Chariot Cross | Download Manual
Chariot Lite | Download Manual
Coaster XT | Download Manual
Hamax Instruction Manuals
Hamax bike trailers are another high-end trailer brand. They have a similar product focus as Burley, as they primarily offer products around biking with kids in general. However, they only have a few trailer offerings, as opposed to Burley.
Customer Service: 877-252-4560
Email: contact form
Outback | Download Manual
Avenida | Download Manual
Traveller | Download Manual
Pretty much all of the information you will need about your specific bike trailer can be found within the downloadable PDFs mentioned above.
If you need further help figuring out how to attach your bike trailer to your bike, then check out my helpful guide on attaching any bike trailer to any bike. If you still need further assistance, be sure to give them a call to let them know your exact type of bike:
Schwinn: 1 (800) 626-2811 – (email)
Instep: 1-800-242-6110 – (email)
Burley: 1 (800) 311-5294 – (email)
Thule: 1 (800) 238-2388 – (email)
Hamax: 877-252-4560 – (email)
Need help finding the right bike trailer?
If you need help finding the right bike trailer for you, my recommended trailer for most people is the Swhinn Joyrider, which is an affordable double-seater that converts beautifully to a stroller. Check out my full review with photos here.
Check out the Ultimate Guide to Buying a Bike Trailer for more help with choosing a trailer. I also have compiled a list of the top bike trailers for every common situation, which you can check out here.
Ride on!